AI Infrastructure for the enterprise.

Enhancing Data with Generative AI

At kNN Labs, we believe that all of your past, current, and future data will be profoundly enhanced by Generative AI. Today's large language models (LLMs) are akin to early spell and grammar-checking tools, with their utility poised to grow exponentially.

Our Products


Our open-source vector database

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kNN Cloud

Our managed vector database platform based on Neighborly, built for scale.

Coming Soon

Our Core Focus

Vector Databases: Data Storage for AI

Vector databases are an emerging construct with applications that extend far beyond search and storage. We are committed to pioneering this space and expanding its utility.

Vectors: The Atomic Particles of AI

Vectors are the fundamental building blocks of AI. All data needs to be vectorized to be utilized effectively by LLMs. If this isn't your company's strategy, it soon will be. Our mission is to simplify this process and ensure it scales seamlessly.

Freedom of Choice

We don't believe in vendor lock-in. That's why we've open-sourced Neighborly and will continue to release the tools we develop, ensuring our customers have the freedom to choose solutions that best fit their needs.